Hey friends,
Right before the COVID-19 crisis hit us in NYC, we were so excited to launch The Granddaddy’s first foray into live music at the cafe, featuring the trio of talent, High Season
@highseasonmusic. Well, things didn’t quite work out as we had hoped. But that’s no reason for the music to stop, is it?
SO we’re putting together something special—The Granddaddy COVID-19 Music Benefit!
Digging into his roots, musician and our managing owner Adam Greenberg // AG Berg // Senator and The New Republic, reached out to his talented music community to help put this together. This virtual music benefit will go directly to support our staff’s GoFundMe (see link in our profile, or go to https://www.gofundme.com/thegranddaddy-baristafund) in an effort to keep our family of baristas afloat until our afflicted city deems it safe again for us to be reunited.
Our baristas are the heart and soul of our cafe, that in any ordinary week, work hard—through rain and shine and stressful days—to bring a smile in a cup to everyone’s daily routine. We want to offer them some relief during an apprehensive time that has and will continue to present a significant challenge to our food and beverage industries for some time to come. With your help, we can do that while keeping our spirits alive through the wonderful and shareable gift of music!
Tune in starting this week, and for several weeks, to enjoy a song per artist, direct from their respective homes!
To our artist friends, as well as our donors, we are touched and forever grateful for your kindness and generosity. We may be apart, but your kindness and music truly brings us together. 🎶💞
And as always, wishing you and yours good health, courage and strength. 💙💙💙

#covid19reliefmusicbenefit #thegranddaddymusic #thegranddaddymusicbenefit #covid19relief #stayconnected #staykind #staysafe
#supportchinatown #supportles #lowereastsideny #supportnyc #supportnycloca l#supportsmallbiz #supportsmallbusiness #savesmallbusinesses